Maria Damon

commentary by Adeena Karasick: "Maria Damon!! Look at what magically appeared inside your vispoetic textile!! 
Kaf Vav Yud Vav Peh Vav (K'yufo) which in Hebrew is slang for pleasure JOUISSANCE!! 
Also embedded in there is Yud Vav Peh Yud (yofi) BEAUTY.
And in the middle of it, is Kaf Vav, which is the gematria of the Tetragrammaton (26). 
May through this vispoetic genius we all be showered with infinite beauty, jouissance and light. Happy Valentine's Day : ))


  1. Victim

    If you are a victim of a crime,
    You know all to well it takes time,
    To get your smiley and bubbly self back,
    Something you thought you would never lack.

    Its not enough that they are sent to jail,
    You still have your head between your tail,
    Scared and feeling all alone,
    Avoiding all calls and texts on your phone.

    The thing that person did to you never leaves your mind,
    You feel wrong thinking everyone could be nice and kind,
    But its people close to you that hurt you the most,
    And if they get away with it all you hear is them gloat and boast.

    So keep in mind all the victims out there,
    Just smile and show them that you care,
    Never be afraid to ask for help,
    You never know when your the one making that yelp.

    By Paul Devlin aged 24 ©

    1. You should post under the post "Invito" to participate


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