
Showing posts from July, 2017

Max Ponte


Kadhem Khanjar

We are young killers We sleep on the dirt And we eat with our hands And we cover our children when we sleep *** We are young killers So boring crimes these days Where there are no medals and no cameras We are young as they say about us Because we do not end it with a snare We can not connect the explosive belt to the mobile phone Our arms are not long enough to be slurred on the neck Also, we do not put the dead in the cages, nor do we raise the fire in them. *** We are young killers Smaller than a drop of blood We kill for stories and stories *** We are young killers We are young in every stab Kadhem Khanjar

Ruggero Maggi


Maria Damon

commentary by  Adeena Karasick : "Maria Damon!! Look at what magically appeared inside your vispoetic textile!!  Kaf Vav Yud Vav Peh Vav (K'yufo) which in Hebrew is slang for pleasure JOUISSANCE!!  Also embedded in there is Yud Vav Peh Yud (yofi) BEAUTY.   And in the middle of it, is Kaf Vav, which is the gematria of the Tetragrammaton (26).  May through this vispoetic genius we all be showered with infinite beauty, jouissance and light. Happy Valentine's Day : ))

Renato Sclaunich
